Thank You for Loving Me SMS Messages

Would you love to have some thank you for loving me messages to send to your lover? Then these thanks for loving me Sms messages would perfectly do.

Enjoy them.

Thank You

My heart thinks deep on all you’ve done
I don’t seem to understand why or how I deserve it.
I float in the thought, yet I can’t give a valid answer.
I wish I could show you my heart,
To show you how much I appreciate,
But you already know how it is
‘Cause you’re constantly in there.
Saying thank you will never be enough
It will never suffice if you are really grateful;
That’s how I feel,
But I’ll say it anyway.
Thank you for everything, my sweetheart
You might never understand it
But I’m really grateful.
I’ll forever cherish those moments
And even much more to come.
I love you and I’ll always do.

Thank You for Loving Me Messages for Your Love

To Him

To him who helped me pick up my shreds,
Who watched me as I remoulded into the new me,
Who stood by me despite all odds and gave me hope to come this far,
We were in it together, but without you around,
I would have flopped things up as usual.
I bless the day I met you.
Thank you for always being there.

My Inspiration

Each day, your presence motivates me to do more.
I have this strength I can’t fathom that makes me want to do more.
You are a blessing to me.
Thank you for always being there.

Love Found Me

Just that moment when I felt I was exiled from love, I didn’t see any reason to it, but you came along the line and showed me a better path.
Your love found me and changed my view.
Thank you for showing up in my life.

All That Makes Me Happy

I’m not sure if what I feel for you is called love, but since it’s the general term, I’ll call it Love.
You understand my silence and know what they say.
Each facial expression you have mastered and you can differentiate between my good and bad moments.
Your care and tender love are beyond my understanding.
Thank you for being all that makes me happy.

Your Love Braced Me

I forgot what it means to breathe, to sit still, and just be. I was far from being myself, I was in a weird World entirely, but when you found me, I heaved a new sigh of hope and your love braced me till I got to the peace I’ve always longed for.
Thank you for showing up.

Moments With You

It’s so weird thinking back to when you first met someone and that moment you had no idea they would have such a big impact on you, that is the way I feel when I look back at what as become of my life.
I never regret any moment and I say “thank you for inspiring me to always do more” together we will soar higher together.

Every Girl

Every girl needs a good guy who can help her laugh when she thinks she’ll never smile again, I was once that girl, but now, I have you beside me always.
I know we might seldom fight, but I’m assured you’ll make me smile through it.
Thank you for making me smile.

Cherished Moments

Each time you give that smiles,
Each time you show that care,
Each moment you make me feel secure,
Each second of holding hands and walking down the path, they make a big part in my heart that can never be erased. I cherish the moments and I wish it last forever.

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